Monday, June 14, 2010

Back in the States

We've noticed that there was never really a final entry to the blog, so here about two weeks late, is one to conclude our trip. The friday following our last entry (May 28th) was our last full day in Laos and was full with meetings. We first went to see Khamphath to discuss plans for next year. We talked about scheduling a different week to visit to avoid the testing that was held while we were there and the possibility of us hosting an "English Camp" for both students and teachers. Before we actually were able to talk to him about these things though he took us to watch the assembly being held at his daughter's Kindergarten in respect to International Children's Day which is celebrated on June 1st. The children each performed different dances and songs in Lao and English and then received full goodie bags. It was really hot sitting there watching but the whole thing was too adorable and cheerful to mind.

Afterwards we got together with Maurice and his wife to say our goodbyes and thank him for all the help he'd given us in planning the trip and throughout the week there. It was only fitting to have the lunch at Joma's. Before the trip it wasn't really clear what we'd be eating but once we were there we got accustomed to some pretty sweet beverages. There were always a variety of fresh fruit smoothies and Dr. Andrianoff favored the chocolate shakes that are served at Joma's.

Our last meeting was with Houmphan. We collected a list of things that we could help him with including finding different teaching materials. We'll hopefully be able to give him some lesson plans and classroom supplies during the year.

Saturday we woke up early arounn 5:30 am to go to see the Monks. There were five or six that paraded through the city to their temple. They stopped at the fountain where we were to receive alms from some women that had brought food and flowers for them. Later we went to a museum and then left for the airport to fly to Kuala Lumpur. Once we landed we basically went straight to bed since we got in late.

In the morning on Sunday we went into the city of Kuala Lumpur and saw the sights from the top of the KL tower. The tower also had a lot of different attractions such as a cultural village and small zoo but due to a lack of time we just headed back to the hotel to get ready for the long flights ahead of us.

Our trip back consisted of a 7 hour flight to Dubai, a 4 hour layover there, and then a 13 hour flight back to NYC. Since arriving home on Monday May 31st around 7:45 am ,we've kept in contact with Houmphanh and Khamphath. On Friday June 11th, Dr. Andrianoff went into Portville to show the children pictures and videos and get a feel for the questions they have about our project so that we can prepare a full presentation for them in September.

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