Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 10, Tuesday - Vientiane

Today we got to see Candlelight School which focuses on teaching English, Business and Community Health skills to people here in Laos and teaching Lao to visiting foreigners. We learned about their different programs and got some suggestions for more ways to get involved here. They offered to hold a class for us if we come again to learn some phrases. Their program seemed really efficient and beneficial.
On our way back from going there, we stopped at Mulberries, a fairtrade store that helps to sell the work of refugees. There were many different beautiful silk pieces and Hmong designs. There were also animal figures carved out of water buffalo tusk that were really intricate and unique.
The rest of the day was spent starting to prepare our lesson plans for when we go back to the school on Thursday. It was a good thing we were able to stay inside too because the sky really opened up this afternoon. It never seems to rain for long at one time but when it rains, it pours. The ceiling in the middle of our hotel is open so that when there is rain it falls into the koi pond. At first we thought it was leaking but when we realized what was happening it was neat to watch it in full force.

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