Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 6, Friday – Vientiane

Rainy season has arrived! Actually, we’ve been told it’s been pretty rainy the last few weeks but today was the first that we got hit by it. We’re actually hoping that it stays because it’s a little cooler with the rain. This morning we went to visit National University of Laos. Maurice gave us a quick tour of the campus and let us greet a few classes of older English majors. Shiyu was envious of a grading distribution that we spotted where an 80 was the cut off for an A. In the afternoon we went to see the elementary school that we’ll be working with, NongBouaThongTai Primary School. During our visit Maurice and Mr. Khamphath sat in with us as we discussed our opportunities with the Director of Primary Education and the principal of the school. Our plan has settled on being to go into the school on Monday and Thursday from 8:30 – 4 with a lunch break from 11:30 – 1:30. We’ll be working with the fourth grade. This wasn’t our initial plan when we got here, but something a few people have told us since arriving is that to survive in the culture here, you must be patient and flexible. After making our arrangements we got to see a few of the rooms in the school and we met some of the students. We were surprised to see a few of them playing English educational games on their computers. It will be interesting to see what they’ve been able to learn from their teachers and the computer games. Overall we were impressed with what we saw at both the University and the primary school.

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